Group accommodation

Arjan • 19. Juni 2024

Group accommodation in Leutasch, Seefeld in Tirol

Did you know that the Ostbacher Stern is an excellent group accommodation? You can rent several apartments with several families or a group. You can rent the whole house, part of the house (one floor) or just a number of apartments and rooms of your choice. We can accommodate up to 42 people (28 beds and 11 sofa beds). The advantage of the Ostbacher Stern is that you can retreat to your apartment or room whenever you want. In the basement there is a large kitchen for about 15 people, where (part of) the group can cook, eat and sit. The garden is also large enough to sit, barbecue or play.

We have already received various groups, e.g. families, singing groups, police, sports groups. If you would like more information about options and prices, please contact us.

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